*** UPDATE*** 18th March 2020.
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the trek organisers Wesley Mission Queensland, have postponed the event to May 22 next year. Like all businesses and events around the world at the moment, we are committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of our staff as well as using social distancing to lessen the potential spread of coronavirus.
All donations already raised have been given to the service to be used and we extend our sincere appreciation to you and your earnest readiness to take a strong stance with us on suicide prevention initiatives. We look forward to continuing our training for the event next year and will let you know when the fundraising commences.
8 people die from suicide in Australia every day – but we can change this! We are supporting Wesley Mission Queensland’s suicide prevention initiatives through participating in ‘Do a Trek to Connect’. We will be trekking the Mt.Nebo Loop, a 28km epic journey.
Your donations will provide vital support to those who truly need our help, as well as inspiration for us to make it to the finish line. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!